Native mobile development. Why is it better?

Not all apps are made equal in the world of mobile apps. In many ways, native apps, web apps, and hybrid apps are distinct. In this article, we'll see some advantages of using native development. Let’s start by defining both of them.

Native mobile development

The term "native app development" refers to the creation of a mobile app that is designed specifically for a single platform. The application was created using platform-specific programming languages and tools. For example, you can create native Android apps using Java or Kotlin, and iOS apps using Swift or Objective-C.

Moreover, Native mobile apps, unlike websites and web applications, do not run in the browser. You'll have to get them from platform-specific app shops like Apple's App Store or Google Play. Following installation, you can access each program by pressing its symbol on your device's screen.

Native app development necessitates a distinct set of skills and technology than developing a mobile website. You don't have to be concerned about browser compatibility or behavior. To deliver the user experience and implement the functionalities of your app, you can use the native capabilities of mobile OSs.

Hybrid mobile development

The production of a single software that can run on several operating platforms, such as Windows, Android, and iOS, is known as hybrid app development. When creating hybrid software, developers use a single code bar that works across all platforms.

Why native mobile development is better than hybrid mobile developments

Even though hybrid applications are, for simple use cases, easier and less expensive to produce, native mobile apps have numerous advantages and are better in the long run.

1. Better performance

Native mobile apps do not rely on middleware like plugins or WebViews to communicate with native APIs. Native mobile apps are faster and more responsive than hybrid apps since they have fewer dependencies. This is especially critical for high-performance programs such as games and graphics-intensive apps.

2. New features are available right away

Native mobile apps provide direct access to the most recent iOS and Android capabilities. Because web technologies cannot access native APIs directly, hybrid programs must wait until a plugin that supports the new feature is available.

3. Greater compliance to app store policies

Native mobile apps are more compliant with app store requirements due to their architecture. Apple's submission rules were tightened in 2017 and since that, they've started rejecting apps that rely too heavily on WebViews, such as Ionic View, which allowed developers to convert a web page into an App without adding any distinct value. Native mobile apps are safer in the long run, as app stores are likely to continue cracking down on hybrid apps.

4. Hybrid development also requires Android/iOS knowledge

Developing using a hybrid technology won´t save your team from learning Android or iOS. Even technologies with UI frameworks like Xamarin Forms require advanced native development knowledge to create customized user interfaces.

In the end, your dev team will need to master three technologies instead of two if you want them to have full control over your App.

5. Easier to maintain

Facing real-life compatibility issues with devices is always a headache for developers using hybrid development. Your application execution is dependant on the phone's underlying default browser which can vary depending on the manufacturer.

To sum up

Native development is always a safer bet. Your App will be faster, more secure, more compatible with available devices, easier to maintain,  and more compliant with applications markets when using native technologies.