GitHub: the must-have platform for any developer.

From its foundation to its acquisition by Microsoft, its main features and functions are highlighted, as well as its usefulness for open source, private and business projects. GitHub is a must-have tool for developers, and its large global community proves its value and relevance in the world of software development.

If you're a developer, chances are you've heard of GitHub, an online platform that has revolutionized the way developers collaborate on software projects. In this article, we're going to explore some useful facts about GitHub that you may not have known about. From its founding to its acquisition by Microsoft, to its core features and functionality, you'll discover why GitHub has become a must-have for developers around the world.

If you are starting out in the world of software development and you don't know GitHub, we will explain it to you quickly and easily. GitHub is an online platform that allows developers to host, share, and collaborate on software projects using Git, a software version control system that allows developers to track changes to their code over time and collaborate on software projects effectively.

Imagine that you are working on a software project with several friends. They each have their own copy of the code and are making changes to it. But how do you know what changes each one has made? How do you know if two people haven't changed the same line of code at the same time? Well, Git is like a change tracking system that helps keep everything in order. Every time someone makes a change to your copy of the code, Git logs it. This way, you can see exactly what has been changed and when.

But Git isn't just a tool for tracking changes. It is also a tool for collaboration. Let's say you want to work on a new feature for a project, but you don't want to affect the work your friends are doing. With Git, you can create your own branch (or copy) of the code and make your changes there. Once you're ready, you can "merge" your branch into the main branch and your changes will be integrated without affecting the work of others.

Now, GitHub is like an online version of Git. It allows you to host your code in the cloud so you can access it from anywhere and collaborate with others more efficiently. It's like a social platform for developers, where you can share your projects, receive feedback, and collaborate on open source projects. In short, Git is a version control tool and GitHub is an online platform for hosting and collaborating on software projects.

Photo by Yancy Min / Unsplash


  • It is the largest code hosting platform in the world, with more than 100 million repositories.
  • The most popular feature of GitHub is the ability to collaborate on projects using pull requests. In 2018, more than 15 million pull requests were made on GitHub.
  • GitHub is free for open source projects, which means anyone can host their project on GitHub.
  • It has a large community of developers around the world. Developers can follow other developers and keep up with their projects and contributions.
  • GitHub supports a variety of programming languages and tools, making it ideal for projects of any kind.

Furthermore, by exploring projects on GitHub, developers can learn new techniques, patterns, tools, and can also share their own code and receive valuable feedback from other developers.

In short, GitHub is a must-have collaboration platform for developers around the world. With a wide variety of functions and features, and a large developer community, GitHub is the ideal tool for hosting, sharing, and collaborating on software projects. If you're not already using GitHub, we recommend you give it a try today and tell us about your experience!

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